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A god sent healer brought back my family +256753737340

It�s high time I appreciated and told the world how my life come back to me in just a short time after suffering for a very longtime without help from anyone. My name is Mrs Verenand am 38years old and I have been married for 12years and lived happily with my beloved husband and our child. When I got pregnant for our second baby, that�s when I started experiencing a very tough time and I reached an extend of being helpless, my husband started drugs and drinking too much and each time I could tell him to stop, he used to shout at me and used to tell me to back off, he used to come back home late and abandoned me with my child with the pregnancy, I wasn�t working and had to survive with my child, it was a trying moment and I was going mad, my husband used to get his salary and then take drugs and drink until its finish. I called my friend Anima came to my house that evening, she came with a friend, and she told me i shouldn�t cry again because Anima had told her all my problems. Anima�s friend gave me Prof. Abdullah�s cell number and I called Him immediately and I made appointment, so I made appointment and he told me to go with only $300. That�s how I met Prof. Abdullah and he told me all my problems before I said anything. He did a special prayer for me and in 3days my husband came back changed and pleaded to me and confessed that he had another woman but he has left her never to go back and that He loves me too much and our child that he will never go back to her Everything is possible with Prof. Abdullah; he is surely a God sent healer who came to save the world. I don�t have any other way of Rewarding Prof. Abdullah for the great work he did for me because am only a poor woman but to only tell the world about him, anyone suffering outside there, the answer is Prof. Abdullah, don�t suffer in silence, So if you find yourself reading this message don�t think that it�s a mistake, thanks God for passing your side. For appointment call Prof. Abdullah on +256753737340 or email: drabdul222@gmail.com

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