


Categories -- Health & Beauty -- Cosmetics

Your #1 wholesale pearl powder supplier - for radiant health & beauty

The Pro�s Choice For Pearl Powder. From skin health to hair care, to wellness to oral health, we\'re proud to offer our sustainable, premium, superpower pearl powder at unbeatable wholesale/bulk prices. This oceanic superfood that hails from the sea is held in high regard for its adoptogenic and anti aging benefits. This is a product that every Spa, Massage, Esthetician, and Beauty Expert should be retailing or using on their customers. Weather you want to make money selling this marine treasure on your own, start your own business, incorporate it into your already established business, or indulge yourself in the luxury of this precious pulverized jewel, you will find Empress of Pearl\'s Powder to be the most outstanding on the market. Buy whole/bulk from the leading cosmetic, wellness, and beauty portal since 2002. HUGE Savings. Sustainable, Non Toxic, Non-gmo, cruelty-free, 100% pure. Free Shipping to the US. Stock up today. https://pearl-powder.net/wholesale.htm

Classified Ad Details: https://pearl-powder.net/wholesale.htm

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