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Water cooled chiller cw-5200tisw 0.1k precision

Distinguished from conventional air-cooled counterparts, chiller CW-5200TISW doesn\'t require fans for cooling. Imagine the quietness it brings, eliminating operational noise while reducing heat emission into your workspace. It\'s not just a leap toward a greener footprint; it\'s also a stride toward energy efficiency. By using external circulating water in cooperation with its internal cooling system, this chiller is tailor-made for enclosed environments like dust-free workshops and laboratories. Compared to the standard CW-5200 model, water chiller CW-5200TISW has higher temperature control precision of up to ±0.1°C. It can promptly sense temperature changes and make adjustments, meeting the needs of demanding applications. Powering through with a dual-frequency 220V 50/60Hz supply, it offers cooling capacity of up to 1900W. But that\'s not all–water chiller CW-5200TISW is equipped with a dual temperature control mode: constant and intelligent temp control. An array of fault display functions and Modbus-485 communication are supported. The machine\'s dimensions are only 58x29x47cm (LxWxH), making it compact and space-saving, fitting seamlessly into your setup. Compact & cute structure, low noise, and long lifespan are its hallmarks. With reliable cooling performance, water-cooled chiller CW-5200TISW is your trusty companion in industrial temperature control. Just feel free to know more about CW-5200TISW at https://www.teyuchiller.com/cost-effective-laboratory-chil ler-with-precise-temperature-control. TEYU Chiller Site: www.teyuchiller.com Email: teyuchillers@teyu.com.cn Tel: + 86-20-89301885 Fax: + 86-20-84309967 SKYPE: teyuchiller

Classified Ad Details: https://www.teyuchiller.com

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