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Industrial chiller cw-6300 with cooling capacity of 9000w

Are you facing challenges with excessive heat and unreliable laser performance? Industrial chiller CW-6300, with temperature stability of ±1℃ and a cooling capacity of up to 9kW (30708Btu/h), the CW-6300 ensures consistent and precise temperature management for a variety of applications, including CO2 lasers, CNC spindles, laser cutting/engraving/welding machines, and analytical equipment, packaging machinery, gas generators... Chiller CW-6300 comes with intelligent and constant temperature control modes, which allow seamless transitions, catering to your specific needs and granting you enhanced flexibility and control over your laser processes. Plus, ModBus-485 communication is equipped for parameter monitoring and remote control. It is built with multiple alarms and error display functions, ensuring the safe operation of your laser system. Say goodbye to overheating and performance instability—let cooler CW-6300 empower your laser processing. Discover more about the TEYU S&A cooling system CW-6300 at https://www.teyuchiller.com/water-chiller-cw6300-for-indus trial-analytical-medical-laboratory-equipment. Main Features: (1)Temperature precision: ±1℃ (2)Temperature control range: 5~35℃ (3)Supports RS-485 communication (4)Easy-to-read water level indicator (5)Environmental-friendly refrigerant R-410a (6)Easy mobility, high reliability, energy efficiency (7)CE, REACH, RoHS, and ISO9001 approved (8)2 years of chiller product warranty. TEYU Chiller Site: www.teyuchiller.com Email: teyuchillers@teyu.com.cn SKYPE: teyuchiller

Classified Ad Details: https://www.teyuchiller.com

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Expires: 12th Aug 2024
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