


Categories -- Real Estate -- Apartments (Rent)

Behrooz davani - real estate agent - courtier immobilier - griffintown - downtown -

Behrooz Davani REAL ESTATE BROKER Helping folks navigate Montreal’s real estate market for almost 10 years. My approachable nature, reliability, and commitment sets me apart and ensures to make your real estate journey a smooth sailing. Here to be your go-to realtor, whether you’re buying, selling, or investing. Need advice? Want to chat about your options over coffee? I’m all ears. Count on me for transparency, accessibility, and a genuine desire to work in your best interest. Let’s team up and make your real estate dreams a reality. Reach out to me, Behrooz Davani, and let’s get started! Ville-Marie | Griffintown | Montreal 1215 Notre-Dame West, Montreal (514) 677-7919 davani@royallepage.ca

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