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Industrial seawater ro desalination systems

Industrial Seawater RO Desalination Systems Industrial RO Seawater Desalination Plant is used to remove salt and purify water. This system consists of booster pump, FRP/Carbon Steel pretreatment tanks (sand filter, activated carbon filter), cartridge filter housing, chemical dosing systems, high pressure pump, FRP membrane pressure vessel, 4040 or 8040 membranes, control panel and touch screen control. Material and parts brand can be changes as regards to raw water quality and customer demand. From touch screen panel, you can see all system flow diagram and automatic or manual control the system. Membranes do not allow small particles, virus, bacteria to pass as a result your water becomes very clean and safe. Company Name: Guangzhou Chunke Environmental Technology Co. Ltd. Address: No:8, Suyuanzhuang, Qinghu Village, Junhe Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, CHINA Contact: Mr.David Telphone: +86-166-16636489 Fax: 86-20-22895083 Email: david@gzchunke.com Company Website: https://www.chunkerowaterplant.com/

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