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Accredited construction company

Mukheto consulting (Pty) Ltd is a private company based in ( Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo ) provinces. The Company Registration number is 2022/553724/07. The Accreditation number from Construction Industry and Development Board ( CIDB ) is : 10343247 PSIRA number is : 4567028 The company offers Construction and Security Services ; Construction Services : General building Electrical engineering works infrastructure. Mechanical engineering Building excavations Timber building and structures Waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialized systems. Water supply and drainage for building or wet service and plumbing. Steel security fencing or precast concrete. Security Services: Body Guards Entertainment/venue control Armed response Certificate Cash-in-transit Certificate Security training Phone: +27106342860 Mobile number : +27716430943 E-mail : mukhetoconsulting.pty@gmail.com

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Advert ID: 283649

Seller ID: 201001

City: JohannesburgSouthGauteng
Country: South Africa
Member Type: Free
Advert Views: 487
Advert Type: Fixed Price
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Expires: 20th Sep 2024
Price: $21000 USD

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