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Cozy comforts in rochester, ny

Planning a trip to Rochester, NY and need a cozy place to stay? Explore our short-term accommodations: - 3 Bedroom Condo/Apartment Rental Experience the comforts of a spacious condo! Perfect for families or groups. - Airbnb Listing : http://airbnb.com/h/grange409 - VRBO Listing : https://www.vrbo.com/4031825 - 2 Bedroom Private Apartment Enjoy a private and serene space ideal for a relaxing stay. - Airbnb Listing : https://www.airbnb.com/h/323tr-apartment2 - VRBO Listing : https://www.vrbo.com/3238202 Book now for a comfortable and convenient stay in Rochester!

Classified Ad Details: http://airbnb.com/h/grange409

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Expires: 26th Sep 2024
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