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New construction house cleaning

Welcome to Shine & Spray, where we specialize in transforming newly constructed homes into immaculate living spaces. Our dedicated team at Shine & Spray is committed to delivering top-tier cleaning services tailored specifically for new construction projects. What Sets Us Apart: Thorough Dust and Debris Removal: We meticulously clean all surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and floors, to eliminate dust, debris, and construction residues. Detail-Oriented Approach: From baseboards to window frames and fixtures, we ensure every corner is spotless and ready for occupancy. Comprehensive Floor Care: Our team uses advanced techniques to vacuum, sweep, and mop floors, leaving them pristine and free of construction remnants. Fixture and Appliance Cleaning: We clean and polish fixtures, lights, switches, and appliances to ensure they shine like new. Final Inspection: We conduct a meticulous final inspection to guarantee that your home is clean, sanitized, and move-in ready. Why Choose Shine & Spray: Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in new construction cleaning, we understand the unique needs of freshly built homes. Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, ensuring your complete satisfaction. Reliability and Professionalism: Our team is dedicated to delivering reliable, high-quality service on time and within your budget. Experience the difference with Shine & Spray. Contact us today to schedule your new construction house cleaning service and let us bring a sparkle to your brand-new home.

Classified Ad Details: https://shineandspray.com

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Expires: 15th Oct 2024
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