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Diabetes treatment in patna - dr. nirupam sinha

Dr. Nirupam Sinha is acclaimed as the best diabetes doctor in Patna, dedicated to providing exceptional care for patients managing diabetes. With extensive experience and a deep understanding of the complexities of diabetes, Dr. Sinha offers comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient\'s needs. His approach combines the latest medical advancements with personalised attention, focusing on effective blood sugar control, lifestyle modifications, and preventive care. Visit https://www.nirupamobesityclinic.com/diabetes-doctor-in-pa tna.html or call +91 7349189109 for more info.

Classified Ad Details: https://www.nirupamobesityclinic.com/diabetes-doctor-in-patna.html

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Seller ID: 200755

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Country: India
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Advert Views: 292
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Expires: 20th Oct 2024
Price: $500 USD

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