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Fresh tandoori flavour, indian restaurant – sidney

With the perfect mix of metropolitan charm and down-home hospitality of Indian Food, Sidney BC, Ranjit, and Jasbir Bains tried to add to the list of its popularity by establishing the finest serving Indian cuisine restaurant. Standing through the expectations of each member of the family, Fresh tandoori Flavour has a specialty in procuring everybody’s interest. More details : Email : freshtandooriflavoursidney@gmail.com Google my business : https://g.page/freshtandooriflavor-sidney?share Address : 2395 Beacon Ave, Sidney, British Columbia, V8L 1W9 Phone : +1 250-655-4500 Hours : Monday - Sunday: 11am-3pm, 4pm-9pm

Classified Ad Details: https://freshtandooriflavour.ca/contact/sidney

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Advert ID: 284267

Seller ID: 187250

City: Sidney
Country: Canada
Member Type: Free
Advert Views: 353
Advert Type: Fixed Price
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Expires: 4th Nov 2024
Price: $0 USD

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