


Categories -- Services -- Financial

Get $25 for opening an account

Get $25 in as little as 3 days for opening an account! Not points, not credits, but dollars! How long does it take to open a checking/ savings account? Under 15 minutes! Do I have to switch banks? No! Keep your old bank and open another account here. What do I have to do? Open your account and fund it with $50 and wait for your $25. It took me about 10 days to get approved, but others have opened their account and been approved in 3 days.

Classified Ad Details: https://tinyurl.com/4atu7py5

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Advert ID: 284642

Seller ID: 202720

City: Indianapolis
Country: United States
Member Type: Free
Advert Views: 125
Advert Type: Fixed Price
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Expires: 1st Dec 2024
Price: $0 USD

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