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Delicious chocolate sliced babka – a sweet delight from reisman\'s bakery

Indulge in the rich, decadent flavor of our Babka from Reisman\'s Bakery. Crafted with layers of smooth, buttery dough swirled with luscious chocolate, this babka is a really perfect deal with for any occasion. Each slice offers a satisfying combination of sweetness and a hint of cocoa, making it a favourite for breakfast, dessert, or a special snack. Baked clean to ensure pinnacle-notch fine and flavor, our Chocolate Sliced Babka guarantees a satisfying enjoy with every chunk. Enjoy a slice of luxurious from Reisman\'s Bakery these days!

Classified Ad Details: https://reismansbakery.com/

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Advert ID: 284922

Seller ID: 203587

City: Brooklyn
Country: United States
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Advert Views: 18
Advert Type: Fixed Price
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Expires: 19th Dec 2024
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